Time Calculator


This is the simplest app to make your time calculations. Install and open the app and start to add and subtract days, hours, minutes and seconds. What date-time will be in the next 23 days 13 hours 15 minutes?. Press the «Now» button and add the days, minutes, hours and seconds you want. You don’t need to configure anything.

Other things you can do:
– How many minutes are 280 seconds?. Type 280s and press twice the «=» sign. You will get 4m 40s
– How many time has passed from 9:23 AM yo 2:32 PM?. Type 14h32m – 9h23m and you will get 5h 9m 0s
– Press the calendar button to add and subtract days, hours, minutes and seconds to any date
– Store answers in memory

Download from iTunes


  1. Every time I press NOW and then try to add time it gives the exact same answer «1901-12-13 2:45:52 PM»

    I paid for this app and am NOT pleased because of this malfunction. Please advise ASAP or offer a refund.

  2. Hola Teo,
    ¿puedo calcular los dias que han pasado entre dos fechas distintas?
    ¿tienes manual de todas las funciones de la calculadora?

  3. Great app Teo! I was looking for this a long time ago… Finally I found it!

    Can I make a suggestion?
    When you solve a problem with the calendar, an export button can be very useful, creating one new event on the calendar.

    It’s just a suggestion, great app!

  4. Hello Teo.

    Nice App, butt I can’t do calculations using the date. For instance,

    [NOW] button
    [+ sign] button
    any single [NUMERAL] button
    [m symbol] button
    [= sign]

    displays wrong date (always sometime in the year 2038)

    Pressing the [= sign] button again always shows sometime in the year 1901.

    1. Sure! This weekend I submited to the App Store a new version for approval. In such version you will have a setting for display only hours, minutes and seconds.

  5. Re Time Calculator, is there any reason you haven’t responded to my previous comment? I have purchased this app, and so I would expect a little customer service, thanks!

    1. Thanks for your comment. I have taken note of your inquiry (you did it in the wrong page). I’ll be updating the app with your suggestions. For the bug, I need to know the iOS version you are running.

      1. Thanks, I replied using the link supplied in the app that took me to a Spanish language blog site where it appeared some comments had already been made. I found this link this time by following app support from the I store page. I am using an iPad with iOS 5.1 and I have downloaded your update. The do not display days option does not work! If you select it on, the display still shows days in the answer. The weblink in the app does not work. The bug that froze the application after selecting the now calendar function and then cancelling the action seems to be rectified. I hope that helps.

        1. Further to above, on the iPad the display is locked to landscape mode. On the iPod touch ( therefore maybe the iPhone also) the display is not locked, and changes from portrait to landscape. In portrait orientation the «calendar» button and «settings» button are missing.

          1. Thanks for your comments. I will be checking the link button and the «do not display days» option in iPad. Regarding the landscape mode, there is no bug, it’s the normal behavior. The app was designed initially for iPhone/iPod Touch as is in portrait mode. Users requested more features and new buttons did not fit in the screen in portrait mode so, I made a landscape mode with more features (check the calculator that comes with the iPhone, it’s a simple calculator in portrait mode and it’s a scientific calculator in landscape mode). I didn’t believe users need a portrait mode in iPad, but if you think it’s necessary, I can make the app works for any orientation in the iPad. Let me know.

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